Today’s Quote – 45

The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing a thing exactly right ~ Edward Simmons

Rhodamine B (Pewarna) dalam makanan penyebab kanser

Rhodamine-B, pewarna tiruan untuk memberikan warna merah muda supaya makanan kelihatan segar, merupakan bahan karsinogenik (boleh menyebabkan kanser) yang bahaya. Walaupun bahan ini telah lama diharamkan penggunaannya dalam penyediaan bahan makanan, tetapi masih banyak pengilang dan pengusaha makanan yang menggunakan bahan kimia ini, terutamanya pengusaha belacan.

Oleh itu, kita sebagai pengguna perlulah prihatin semasa membeli bahan makanan (belacan dan lain-lain) yang mengandungi pewarna tiruan ini sebagai langkah-langkah pencegahan kanser. Sebaik-baiknya elakkan daripada mengambil makanan, seperti kuih-muih dan minuman, yang berwarna-warni yang kebanyakannya menggunakan pewarna tiruan ini.

After 37 years, cancer-causing agent still in food

Source – CAP

The Ministry of Health is making a mockery of the Food Regulations as the use of Rhodamine B in food is still rampant in spite of it being banned.

CAP first detected the presence of Rhodamine B in belacan in 1973 and since then tests conducted in 1983, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007 and 2008 have still found this dye to be present in belacan and other foods.

On each occasion when we found this dye in food, a letter was sent to the Ministry of Health requesting them to investigate. However we regret that the situation has not changed. This dye is still being used in food in spite of it being banned more than half a century ago. Rhodamine B, a cancer-causing agent, produces a pinkish hue. It is not supposed to be used as a colouring agent for food. It is meant only for dyeing plastic goods and textiles.

Under the Food Regulations 1985, Rhodamine B is not allowed for use in food. Offenders, if convicted, may face a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both.

Rhodamine B was also not allowed in food under the Food and Drug Ordinance of 1952. This means that this dye was banned for use in food for more than 50 years.

In our latest test conducted in April 2010, we found Rhodamine B to be present in 2 samples of belacan and some coloured snacks bought at a famous wet market in Kuala Lumpur.

We are shocked that Rhodamine B is still present in food although it has been banned more than 50 years ago.

From the results of our latest test, it is obvious that the law is not stringent enough to deter offenders from using this dye in food.

Cancer is the Number One killer in Malaysia and it is affecting an increasing number of Malaysians. The consumption of cancer-causing agents in food is a major cause of cancer. In view of our latest findings, CAP calls on the Ministry of Health to take the following actions:

* Strictly enforce the Food Regulations 1985.

* Investigate and prosecute any person found using dyes in food items which the law does not allow to be coloured.

* Stop the sale of industrial-grade dyes (banned for food) in small quantities to prevent misuse.

* Discourage food operators and manufacturers from using chemical dyes since they are dangerous and totally unnecessary.

* Conduct media campaigns to discourage consumers from purchasing food items that contain dyes and educate them on how to read food labels properly.

* Conduct regular tests frequently on all food items sold to ensure that they are free from banned dyes and toxic chemicals.

The Ministry of Health should seize all such food products in the market. Meanwhile consumers are advised to avoid foods which look unnaturally bright.

Artikel di bawah ini berkaitan dengan penggunaan Rhodamine-B dalam belacan yang masih berleluasa di pasaran.

13/08/10: Colouring in belacan can cause cancer

Source – Foodsafety

Cancer-causing artificial colouring, Rhodamine-B, is still being used in the making of belacan (shrimp paste), said Malaysian Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

The ministry was aware of the matter and the manufacturers who were using the substance were being monitored.

Last year, two of 115 samples taken from shrimp paste manufacturers were found to contain the chemical which should only be used for plastic or fabric.

Both the samples were obtained from grocery stores in Sarawak and the manufacturer had been charged in court, he said.

Liow cautioned manufacturers not to use the colouring substance because it could pose health risks, including cancer.

Manufacturers who failed to adhere to the directive would face stern action. Non-compliance could result in a fine of up to RM100,000 (S$42,918) or 10 years’ jail or both, he said when responding to a report on the use of the substance in shrimp paste.

Awas! Minuman kotak “Green Bean Soy Drink”

Saya ingin berkongsi maklumat dengan pengujung blog ni tentang minuman kotak berjenama Yeo’s, perisa Green Bean Soy Drink…hati-hati dengan minuman ini kerana ia mengandungi E471 (produk babi).

Jangan jadikan barangan haram itu darah daging ….


Dipetik dari: SINI

Assalamualaikum wr wb,


Salam semua. Kali ini saya nak sentuh ttg minuman ringan keluaran Yeo Hiap Seng, jenama salah satu pembekal minuman ringan yg tak asing lagi di rantau ini khususnya Singapura dan Malaysia.

Pernahkah anda dengar ttg keluaran produk minuman YHS yg terkini, khususnya minuman kacang soya fusion dgn kacang hijau? Jika anda di Singapura, harap2 baca dulu ya, bahan-bahan yg terkandung dalam minuman ini.

Semasa saya ke salah sebuah pasaraya tempatan, terpandang saya ke arah minuman ini yg saya fikiradalah salah satu lagi keluaran terbaru YHS. Iyerlah, apalah bahan yg nak dibubuh dlm minumankan? So I pick up one and brought to office. Tapi, bila saya baca ingredientsnya……. lihat kat pic ini.lihat dekat-dekat……. Apa kah kandungan dalamnya? Rupa-rupanya E471 is derived from pig. MasyaAllah, dah takde lagi ke sumber yg baik, yg murni, darimana pihak pengeluar nak dapatkan bahan atau sumber utk membuat produk minuman mereka???? Tidakkah mereka peka dgn pengguna2 Islam yg sememangnya ramai telah terbiasa dgn minuman yg mereka bekalkan atas jenama YHS???

Belek punya belek…..hah, patutlah. Minuman ni diperbuat di……. di negara yg dah mmg dah tersohor bubuh melamine dalam susu!!!

Apapun, saya sekedar berkongsi info dan diharap sesiapa yg teringin nak merasa minuman jenama YHS ” Green Bean Soy Drink “, lupakan sajalah niat anda tu. Tak berbaloi bahan yg haram jika memasuki dlm tubuh badan kita ni!! Harap dapat sebarkan info ini terutama sekali kpd anak-anak kita yg mungkin kurang arif ttg perkara ini.

Do not drink FANTA APPLE, as it contains (E211, E224) Fat of Pork(PIG)

by Idrus Hashim

Today’s Quote – 44

Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing ~ Harriet Braiker

Petua Kesihatan: Duduk betul depan komputer

Banyak orang yang duduk depan komputer berjam-jam, sama ada kerja atau melayari internet, termasuk berfacebook. Selalunya, terlalu lama duduk menyebabkan sakit belakang dan jika keadaan ini terterusan, dikhuatiri akhirnya akan menjejaskan kesihatan. Oleh itu, kedudukan badan, kaki dan tapak kaki yang betul akan membantu mengurangkan rasa sakit belakang.

Cadangan/petua duduk yang berikut diberikan oleh The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons…. sama-sama kita mencubanya, semoga bermanfaat…

Health Tip: Sit Properly at the Computer

Suggestions for setting up your chair

It’s important to maintain proper posture when sitting at the computer.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers these suggestions:

* Opt for a chair that is easy to adjust, feels stable, includes a backrest, and with wheels that touch the floor at a minimum of five points.

* Make sure your knees are at the level of your hips while your feet are planted on the floor.

* Use adjustable armrests to support your arms and place your elbows close to your waist.

* Make sure the seat is padded and offers at least an inch of room beyond your thighs and hips.

* The seat should slightly point toward the floor. There also should be some room between the back of your knees and the seat.

— Diana Kohnle


Tanda Alergi

Alergi merupakan penyakit yang biasa dijumpai di mana-mana, tetapi banyak orang yang kurang kesedaran mengenai penyakit ini sehingga tanda-tanda alergi tidak berapa diendahkan, sehinggalah ia boleh menimbulkan penyakit lain pula.

Alergi adalah reaksi atau tindakbalas yang berlaku pada tubuh disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar imunoglobulin E yang merupakan suatu mekanisme sistem imun.

Alergi dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik dan persekitaran. Oleh itu, alergi ini boleh dikurangkan dengan mengurangkan atau mengawal persekitaran supaya terhindar daripada alergi, seperti debu, tungau dan makanan alergi.

Terdapat berbagai tanda yang menunjukkan seseorang itu alergi. Secara amnya, terdapat dua jenis alergi iaitu yang berkaitan dengan pernafasan dan kulit.

Berikut dimuatkan tanda-tanda alergi yang biasa dijumpai…

Are Your Allergies Out of Control?

Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

Sign #1: The Allergic Salute

You vacuum with a HEPA filter. You stay indoors when the pollen count is high. You take medications as directed. But do you really have your allergy symptoms under control? If you’re constantly doing the “allergic salute,” the answer is probably no. This gesture — a swipe at the tip of an itchy, runny nose — is especially common in children.

Sign #2: Raccoon Eyes

Dark circles under watery eyes are another sign of allergies run amok. The circles may result from frequent rubbing of itchy eyes. Fortunately, itching, tearing, sneezing, and a runny nose can all be relieved with antihistamines. If you already take this type of medication, check with your doctor about adjusting your dosing schedule.

Sign #3: Chronic Congestion

A stuffy nose usually lasts a week or two when a cold or flu is to blame. If congestion goes on and on, allergies are a more likely suspect. During an allergic reaction, the lining of your nasal passages may swell and produce excess mucus. This can cause sinus pressure and headaches. Decongestants can provide short-term relief. For a long-term plan of action, consider seeing an allergist.

Sign #4: Wheezing

Wheezing is often associated with asthma, but it can also signal an allergic reaction to pollen, mold, pet dander, or other irritants. The characteristic whistling sound occurs when air passes through narrowed airways. In severe cases, obstruction of airflow requires emergency care. You should be evaluated and monitored by your doctor if you have wheezing related to allergies.

Sign #5: Itchy Skin

Itching may just be a sign of dry skin. But when it is persistent, and especially when accompanied by a rash, eczema may be to blame. Eczema is a type of skin reaction that’s common in people with other allergies. Triggers may include soap or detergent, pet dander, and coarse materials. Moisturizers and hydrocortisone cream can help soothe flares. For severe cases, prescription medications are available.

Sign #6: Hives

Hives are hard to miss. These pale red bumps tend to itch, and they can last from several hours to several days. Often, they’re caused by an allergic reaction to some type of food, medication, insect sting, or even sunlight. Antihistamines are usually effective for immediate relief. But the best solution is to identify and avoid the trigger.

Sign #7: Insomnia

Itching, congestion, sinus pain — allergy symptoms can be tough on sleep. Symptoms like coughing or wheezing may wake you up, and a stuffed nose may make it hard to fall asleep. Some allergy drugs can also disrupt a good night’s sleep. Trouble sleeping is one sign that it may be time to ask your doctor about changing your allergy treatment regimen.

Sign #8: Trouble Concentrating

You may find it hard to concentrate when your eyes are tearing, your nose is dripping, and you’ve been up all night. In addition, some over-the-counter antihistamines may make you feel foggy. If you find your job performance, home life, or relationships are suffering because of allergies, don’t hesitate to tell your doctor. It may be time to discuss your treatment options.

Sign #9: Fatigue

Allergies can deal a triple-whammy to your energy level. First, your symptoms can affect the quality of your sleep. Second, allergies involve a chronic overreaction of the immune system, which can cause fatigue. Third, some antihistamines cause drowsiness. Some newer antihistamines are less likely to cause drowsiness; ask your pharmacist for help.


Today’s Quote – 43

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for ~ Joseph Addison

New Armored, Wood-Eating Catfish Found in Amazon

Very interesting….detailed description as follows…

Wood-Eating Catfish … Eating Wood

A new species of armored, wood-eating catfish (pictured underwater) found in the Amazon rain forest feeds on a fallen tree in the Santa Ana River in Peru in 2006.

Photograph by Michael Goulding/Copeia

Other so-called suckermouth armored catfish species use their unique teeth to scrape organic material from the surfaces of submerged wood. But the new, as yet unnamed, species is among the dozen or so catfish species known to actually ingest wood.

Still, wood-eating catfish are largely unable to digest wood. Only associated organic material—such as algae, microscopic plants, animals, and other debris—gets absorbed into their bodies. The wood itself passes through the fish and is expelled as waste.

“The fish pass wood through their guts in less than four hours, which is incredibly fast for an animal that supposedly digests wood,” said Donovan German, a biologist at the University of California, Irvine, who is researching the digestion of wood-eating catfish.

“People think they must have an amazing consortium of microbes in their guts to help the fish digest wood, but that isn’t really what I’ve found,” he added. “The amazing microbes are in the river, on the wood itself.”

Fresh Catch

Photograph courtesy Paulo Petry

Nature Conservancy scientist Paulo Petry holds up a rare whole specimen of a newly identified species of wood-eating catfish, netted by Peruvian biologist Roberto Quispe at the confluence of the Alto Purús and Curanja Rivers in summer 2010.

According to the University of California’s German, who wasn’t involved in the new study, previous specimens “were dried by the people who caught them, so all that was available were these large dried specimens or smaller individuals.”

While the unnamed species is new to science, the fish is a familiar food to indigenous people of the Amazon, especially in Peru (Amazon interactive map).

“They put it in soup or barbecue it whole,” German said. “The fish have an armor shell that acts like a built-in bowl. So they take out the gut and cook the fish whole and just eat the meat out of the shell.”

Most wood-eating catfish belong to the genus Panaque, as does the new species, which can grow at least 2.5 feet (80 centimeters) long.

Mouth of Wood-Eating Catfish

A member of the new species of armored, wood-eating catfish—netted in the Peruvian Amazon in summer 2010—shows off the spoon-like teeth and suctioning lips that help the fish gouge out log shavings.

Photograph courtesy Paulo Petry

Wood-eating catfishes’ unique diet likely evolved due to competition with other catfish species for food in the Amazon Basin rivers, researchers say.

“There’re not a lot of rocks in the Amazonian Basin, where these fishes live,” German said. “There’s mud and water, and the one consistent substrate at the bottom is wood. It’s the one place where fish can go to get food off a surface.”

There are about 700 species of catfish that survive by scraping organic material from surfaces, including wood, in the Amazon Basin. But by actually ingesting the wood, wood-eating catfish take advantage of the organic matter, microbes, and microbial byproducts that reside in the spaces between wood fibers.

“The ability to dig and gouge then becomes advantageous,” German said, “because now you can get to all these other goodies that surface eaters can’t get.”

Jaws of Wood-eating catfish

The four stout jaws of the new wood-eating catfish species are clearly visible in this 3-D image of its head, which was made by sticking the fish into a specialized CT scanner.

Diagram courtesy Nathan K. Lujan and Julian Humphries

“Once they latch on with their lips, they can move those teeth around in all sorts of different directions to grind up the wood,” German explained.

“They’re not ingesting giant splinters. It’s mainly small shavings and particles of wood, along with microbes and whatever byproducts the microbes are making available as they degrade the submerged wood.”

Holotype Characters

Adult male members of many wood-eating catfish species—such as this specimen of the new species, caught in Peru in 2006—have bristly appendages on their fins and on their heads.

Diagram courtesy Max Hidalgo and Nathan K. Lujan

“The brushlike features are specialized teeth called odontodes,” said Texas A&M University biologist Nathan Lujan, lead author of the study describing the new species. “They are used in sexual and territorial threat displays.”


Tahukah anda? 6 – Ikan airtawar terbesar di dunia

Pada August 2007, ikan keli gergasi Mekong (Mekong Giant Catfish) seberat 646 pounds (293 kg) direkodkan sebagai ikan airtwar terbesar di dunia. Ikan ini berjaya ditangkap di Air terjun Khone di Laos, berhampiran dengan sempadan Cambodia. Ikan ini juga tersenarai sebagai ikan yang sangat terancam oleh the World Conservation Union.

Jika projek pembinaan empangan Khone menjadi kenyataan, Mekong Giant Catfish ini berkemungkinan besar akan pupus….

April 8, 2008—Children pose with a Mekong giant catfish caught at Khone Falls in Laos, near the border with Cambodia, in August last year.

While the weight of the fish in the photo is unknown, the species holds the world record as the largest freshwater fish ever caught, weighing in at 646 pounds (293 kilograms).

The Mekong giant catfish is listed as critically endangered by the World Conservation Union.

But a new dam project planned for Khone Falls threatens the migration of this so-called megafish, according to Zeb Hogan, who heads the National Geographic Society’s Megafishes Project.


Makanan alergi

Sesetengah makanan memang alergi kepada sesetengah orang, dan ini pun boleh dianggap sifat warisan/keturunan.

Apakah beza antara makanan alergi dengan makanan yang tidak boleh dimakan?

Selalunya makanan alergi ini ialah makanan yang dimakan yang akan menyebabkan badan bertindak balas dan menghasilkan tanda-tanda seperti ruam, kulit gatal, tidak sedap perut, dan lain-lain reaksi badan. Sebaliknya, makanan yang tidak boleh dimakan ialah makanan yang tidak boleh diterima oleh sistem penghadaman, yang mungkin menyebabkan muntah, pening, dsb.

Simptom yang ditunjukkan oleh makanan alergi ini berbeza-beza, dari ringan hingga kes berat, sehingga ada yang menyebabkan kematian.

Selalunya sendiri tahu dan boleh merasakan apakah jenis-jenis makanan alergi bagi diri masing-masing. Ini selalunya melalui pengalaman sejak kecil, namun begitu ada juga yang berubah tahap alerginya terhadap makanan tertentu. Kebanyakan makanan yang menyebabkan alergi ialah berasaskan protein, iaitu kekacang, makanan laut, dsb.

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang makanan alergi, di bawah ini diperturunkan maklumat tersebut….

Food Allergies

This topic has general information about food allergies.

What is a food allergy?

When you have a food allergy, your body thinks certain foods are trying to harm you. Your body fights back by setting off an allergic reaction. In most cases, the symptoms are mild-a rash, a stuffy nose, or an upset stomach. A mild reaction is no fun, but it is not dangerous. A serious reaction can be deadly. But quick treatment can stop a dangerous reaction.

Allergies tend to run in families. You are more likely to have a food allergy if other people in your family have allergies like hay fever, asthma, or eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Food allergies are more common in children than adults. About 7 out of 100 kids have them. Only about 3 to 4 out of 100 adults do. Children often outgrow their food allergies. But if you have a food allergy as an adult, you will most likely have it for life.

What are the symptoms?

Food allergies can cause many different symptoms. They can range from mild to serious. If you eat a food you are allergic to:

* Your mouth may tingle, and your lips may swell.
* You may have cramps, an upset stomach, or diarrhea.
* You may have itchy skin with red, raised bumps called hives .
* You may have a stuffy nose, wheeze, or be short of breath.
* You may feel dizzy or lightheaded.

Kids usually have the same symptoms as adults. But sometimes a small child just cries a lot, vomits, has diarrhea, or does not grow as expected. If your child has these symptoms, see your doctor.

Some people have symptoms after eating even a tiny bit of a problem food. As a rule, the sooner the reaction begins, the worse it will be.

The most severe reaction is called anaphylaxis (say “ANN-uh-fuh-LAK-suss”). It affects your whole body. Anaphylaxis usually starts within an hour after you eat the food. And the symptoms can come back 1 to 2 hours later. If you have anaphylaxis:

* Your throat and tongue may swell quickly.
* You may suddenly start wheezing or have trouble breathing.
* You may feel sick to your stomach or vomit.
* You may feel faint or pass out.

Anaphylaxis can be deadly. If you have (or see someone having) any of these symptoms, call 911right away.

What foods most often cause a food allergy?

A few foods cause most allergies. A food that causes an allergy is called a food allergen. Usually it is the protein in a food that causes the problem.

* Eggs, milk, wheat, soy, and peanuts cause most problems in children. Most kids outgrow allergies to eggs, milk, wheat, and soy by the time they are 5. But while 1 out of 5 of kids outgrow an allergy to peanuts, they rarely outgrow an allergy to tree nuts (like walnuts or almonds) or seafood.

* Peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish cause most problems in adults. Most adults who have food allergies have had them since childhood.

If you are allergic to one food, you may also be allergic to other foods like it. So if you are allergic to shrimp, you may also be allergic to lobster or crab.

How is a food allergy diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask questions about your medical history and any family food allergies. And he or she will do a physical exam. Your doctor will also ask what symptoms you have. He or she may want you to write down everything you eat and any reactions you have.

If your doctor thinks you could have a serious food allergy, you may have a skin test. The doctor will put a little bit of liquid on your skin and then prick your skin. The liquid has some of the possible food allergen in it. If your skin swells up like a mosquito bite, your doctor knows you are allergic to that food. Your doctor may also do blood tests to look for the chemicals in your blood that cause an allergic reaction.

How is a food allergy treated?

The best treatment is to never eat the foods you are allergic to. Learn to read food labels and spot other names for problem foods. For example, milk may be listed as “caseinate,” wheat as “gluten,” and peanuts as “hydrolyzed vegetable protein.” When you eat out or at other people’s houses, ask about the foods you are served.

If you do eat a food you are allergic to, medicines can help. You may be able to stop a mild reaction by taking over-the-counter antihistamines. You may need prescription medicines if over-the-counter drugs do not help or if they cause side effects, such as making you feel sleepy.

you have severe food allergies, your doctor will prescribe an allergy kit that contains epinephrine (say “eh-puh-NEH-fren”) and antihistamines. An epinephrine shot can slow down or stop an allergic reaction. Your doctor can teach you how to give yourself the shot.

You can have symptoms again even after you give yourself a shot. So go to the emergency room every time you have a severe reaction. You will need to be watched for several hours after the reaction.

If you have had a serious reaction in the past, your chance of having another one is high. Be prepared.

* Keep an allergy kit with you at all times.
* Wear a medical alert bracelet to let others know about your food allergy.
* Check the expiration dates on the medicines in your kit, and replace the medicines as needed.

Your child has a food allergy. What else should you think about?

Talk to your child’s teachers and caregivers. They should know how to keep problem foods away from your child. Teach them what to do if your child eats one of these foods by mistake.

If your child has ever had a severe reaction, keep an allergy kit nearby at all times. Some kids carry their kit in a fanny pack. Have your child wear a medical alert bracelet. Teach all caregivers to act quickly. They should:

* Know the signs of a severe reaction.
* Know how to give an epinephrine shot.
* Call 911 right away.

How is a food allergy different from a food intolerance?

Many people think they have a food allergy, but in fact they have a food intolerance. Food intolerance is common. It can cause some of the same symptoms as a mild food allergy, like an upset stomach. But a food intolerance does not cause an allergic reaction. A food intolerance can make you feel bad, but it is not dangerous. A serious food allergy can be dangerous.

If you are not sure which you have, it is a good idea to see your doctor.
